Number Name Type Parameters Description
1isaddressused,getA valid base58 addressReturns true if the address has ever appeared in the blockchain.
2getbalancegetA Valid base58 AddressReturns the current balance of the address
3getbalancev2getA Valid base58 AddressReturns the total, confirmed and unconfirmed balance of the address
4getutxosgetA Valid base58 AddressReturns all the Unspent Transaction Outputs(UTXOs) for the given address.
5getutxosv2getA Valid base58 AddressReturns all the Unspent Transaction Outputs(UTXOs) for the given address. This route also includes unconfirmed/pending utxos from mempool.
6getfabtokenbalancesgetA Valid base58 AddressReturns all balances of one address for a specific set of fab token contracts
7gettransactionsgetA Valid base58 AddressReturns all the transactions for which the address has been a recipient.
8gettransactionjsongetA Valid transaction idReturns the full transaction in json format.
9gettransactionhexgetA Valid transaction idReturns the transaction in hex format.
10getblockbyhashgetA valid block hashReturns the block.
11getfullblockbyhashgetA valid block hashReturns the full block with verbosity level 2(with all the transactions).
12getblockbyheightgeta valid integerReturns the block at the given height.
13getblockhashgetA valid block numberReturns the block hash for the given block number(~ block height).
14getblockchaininfogetnoneReturns the current status of the blockchain
15getblockcountgetnoneReturns the current height of the blockchain
16getfeeestimategetnoneReturns the estimated fee per kilobyte to increase the likelyhood of transaction getting confirmed within the next block.
17sendrawtransactiongeta complete Transaction in hex(serialized) formatReceives the Raw transaction and returns txid - ideal for smaller transactions.
18postrawtransactionpostrawtx:a complete Transaction in hex(serialized) formatReceives the Raw transaction and returns txid - ideal for larger transactions.
19callcontractpostaddress:A valid address
data:encoded function call
sender:address of the sender
gas:a rough estimate of gas to be paid.
This call can handle both json and form-data format. Receives the contract query and returns the response. This call DOES NOT change the state of the evm.
20gettransactionreceiptgetTxid:A valid transaction idReturns the receipt if available or returns an empty array.
21getabiforcontractgetA valid contract address.Returns the abi for the given contract.
22getcontractpaymentsbyaddressgetA Valid fabcoin addressReturns information about all the payments made by an address to contract.
23getcontractpaymentsgetA Valid Contract AddressReturns information about all the payments made to the contract specified by contract address.
24gettokenlistgetnoneReturns the information about official Tokens present on the blockchain.
25gettokenpaymentstoaddresspostaddress : A valid Address to which token payments are made (mandatory)
tokenName : A valid Token symbol - results will be filtered out by this token (optional)
minBlock : Minimum block number for the payments (optional)
Returuns information about token payments made to the address by the contract.