Number | Name | Type | Parameters | Description |
1 | isaddressused, | get | A valid base58 address | Returns true if the address has ever appeared in the blockchain. |
2 | getbalance | get | A Valid base58 Address | Returns the current balance of the address |
3 | getbalancev2 | get | A Valid base58 Address | Returns the total, confirmed and unconfirmed balance of the address |
4 | getutxos | get | A Valid base58 Address | Returns all the Unspent Transaction Outputs(UTXOs) for the given address. |
5 | getutxosv2 | get | A Valid base58 Address | Returns all the Unspent Transaction Outputs(UTXOs) for the given address. This route also includes unconfirmed/pending utxos from mempool. |
6 | getfabtokenbalances | get | A Valid base58 Address | Returns all balances of one address for a specific set of fab token contracts |
7 | gettransactions | get | A Valid base58 Address | Returns all the transactions for which the address has been a recipient. |
8 | gettransactionjson | get | A Valid transaction id | Returns the full transaction in json format. |
9 | gettransactionhex | get | A Valid transaction id | Returns the transaction in hex format. |
10 | getblockbyhash | get | A valid block hash | Returns the block. |
11 | getfullblockbyhash | get | A valid block hash | Returns the full block with verbosity level 2(with all the transactions). |
12 | getblockbyheight | get | a valid integer | Returns the block at the given height. |
13 | getblockhash | get | A valid block number | Returns the block hash for the given block number(~ block height). |
14 | getblockchaininfo | get | none | Returns the current status of the blockchain |
15 | getblockcount | get | none | Returns the current height of the blockchain |
16 | getfeeestimate | get | none | Returns the estimated fee per kilobyte to increase the likelyhood of transaction getting confirmed within the next block. |
17 | sendrawtransaction | get | a complete Transaction in hex(serialized) format | Receives the Raw transaction and returns txid - ideal for smaller transactions. |
18 | postrawtransaction | post | rawtx:a complete Transaction in hex(serialized) format | Receives the Raw transaction and returns txid - ideal for larger transactions. |
19 | callcontract | post | address:A valid address data:encoded function call sender:address of the sender gas:a rough estimate of gas to be paid. | This call can handle both json and form-data format. Receives the contract query and returns the response. This call DOES NOT change the state of the evm. |
20 | gettransactionreceipt | get | Txid:A valid transaction id | Returns the receipt if available or returns an empty array. |
21 | getabiforcontract | get | A valid contract address. | Returns the abi for the given contract. |
22 | getcontractpaymentsbyaddress | get | A Valid fabcoin address | Returns information about all the payments made by an address to contract. |
23 | getcontractpayments | get | A Valid Contract Address | Returns information about all the payments made to the contract specified by contract address. |
24 | gettokenlist | get | none | Returns the information about official Tokens present on the blockchain. |
25 | gettokenpaymentstoaddress | post | address : A valid Address to which token payments are made (mandatory) tokenName : A valid Token symbol - results will be filtered out by this token (optional) minBlock : Minimum block number for the payments (optional) | Returuns information about token payments made to the address by the contract. |